Aspire Post CCST Fellowship in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Beaumont Hospital Post Duration Commencing Eligibility Beaumont Hospital...

Aspire Post CCST Fellowship in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Beaumont Hospital Post Duration Commencing Eligibility Beaumont Hospital...
Information for surgeons regarding virtual follow-up of surgical patients - 9th March 2020...
National Clinical Programme in Surgery Charter Day Meeting Date: Thursday 13th February 2020 Location: RCSI, 123 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2...
The Masters (MSc) in Human Factors in Patient Safety is a unique Masters programme for healthcare professionals who are responsible for the care of acute hospital patients. The programme is relevant to all healthcare professionals including, Surgeons, Emergency Medicine Physicians, Anaesthetists, Obstetricians, Radiologists...
The MCh by module is the first in Ireland to incorporate a taught component in addition to the research dissertation. The modular programme will benefit medical graduates who wish to pursue a career in surgery. Candidates can complete this higher degree either before, during or on completion of a surgical training programme...