#RCSITogether – Bulletin 2, keeping it short

Dear collegues,
We are glad to bring you our second #RCSItogether bulletin. We have heard your feedback on the first one – thank you for the positivity. We will focus on keeping the updates short and again this is for information and learning, there is no obligation. We will also review the frequency of the updates and would welcome your views on this.
A quick reminder that summertime commences this weekend, the clocks go forward on Sunday, so we can all look forward to the longer evenings ahead.
- #RCSItogether Learning:
Today’s learning reccomendation is an article explaining Prof. Carol Dweck’s theory of Growth vs Fixed Mindsey. Growth mindset, the idea that we can grow our brain’s capacity to learn and solve problems, is a key principle underpinning our Positive Education work in RCSI but as the article shows is equally applicable in our personal lives. As many of you know Prof. Dwecks visited us in RCSI in 2018, you can check out highlights from her public talk HERE
- #RCSItogether Health Science:
Today, we invited you to access the RCSI Discover blog which features innovative research from RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, an institute at the global forefront of pioneering developments in medical education and research. RCSI Discover aims to communicate our research outputs at a peer-to-peer level, targeting an international cohort of medical and healthcare researchers.
- #RCSItogether Minding Others:
Yesterday the EDI Parents and Carers network posted on Workvivo some tips and resources for parents – working, schooling and parenting concurrently is certainly not easy. The key message is this situation is unprecedented, so go easy on yourself. For other content, Tracy Gunn, founder of ‘Being at your best’ company and provider of the RCSI ‘Mumager’ workshops, has created a 30 webinar ‘Working Remotely with kids‘. Tracy draws on techniques from positive psychology and focuses on practical tips to help you balance working remotely with looking after your kids during COVID-19.
There are a number of useful posts shared on workvivo by some colleagues in the same situation, from scheduled ideas to homeschooling tips. Here is the link to the Parents and Carers network on workvivo.
- #RCSItogether Minding Yourself:
Financial stress can have a serious impact on your physical and mental wellbeing. If you are experiencing financial uncertainty because of a loss in family income at the moment, why not speak to an expert about your concerns. RCSI has been assigned a Bank of Ireland Relationship Manager and a dedicated advice centre to help you look after your Financial Health. Their team can offer advice and support to you during this time with their virtual offering where 1:1 discussions/meeting can be held through such channels as Phone, Facetime, Skype & Whatsapp. A dedicated BOI portal for RCSI staff is available with a range of information to help and support your financial wellbeing. All employees can avail of this service, you do not have to have your day-to-day banking with Bank of Ireland. Visit Bank at work for more details.
Prof. Ciaran O’boyle recently shared a number of ways people can manage stress and anxiety during this time on RTÉ Drivetime. Listen back to the show.
Finally, our colleague Ronan Tobin shared a useful graphic Sinead O’Kelly created to help students and us all manage our thoughts. See this below and attached

Keep safe and well everyone.
Director of Human Resources