
Surgical Loupes Fund

Trainees eligible for funding will need to:

  • Submit bank details
  • Submit all original receipts
  • Confirm that you have not already received financial assistance from any other fund for purchase of surgical loupes, but if you have received part-time funding for your loupes i.e. from the Specialist Training Fund, then please note this on your application & confirm amount received. RCSI will only be able to fund the balance remaining after deducting monies received from another source.
  • Have not received any reimbursement from the  2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 Surgical Loupes Fund.

Download the application form HERE


Application closing date will be the 14th March 2025.

Applicants can send their applications to Simon Geaney via e-mail by close of business on the 14th March