
Abstract Submission Outline

Please submit your abstract directly to in PDF/Microsoft Word document format

TITLE: Bold, Times New Roman, 12 Pt, Left Aligned

SURNAME First author1, SURNAME Second author2 (uppercase surname, followed by first name, no comma between each, presenting author to be underlined)

  1. The address (Department, Institution, Town)
  2. Contact e-mail address
  3. Contact telephone number of presenter
  4. Start Abstract here. Times New Roman, 10pt font, left and right justified, single spaced.
  5. Page size A4 paper.
  6. Presenting author’s name to be underlined on the Abstract above.
  7. The abstract should be no more than 250 words and in English.
  8. Please spell check your abstract before submission
Closing date for submission not later than Tuesday 23rd August 2022 @ 5p.m.