Training Hospital: Employee Assistance & Counselling Services (EACS)

Each Training Hospital provides free counselling & pastoral care for doctors in training & this is offered through their Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).

Employee Assistance Service Service provides a free confidential counselling support & referral service for all staff with personal or work related difficulties.

A wide range of issues are dealt with by EAP, including:

  • Stress at work
  • Difficult relationships in work (including bullying)
  • Traumatic events (e.g. assault, suicide)
  • Addictions
  • Personal issues outside of work (e.g. bereavement, relationships)

The service provides, on a confidential basis:

  • Professional assessment
  • Personal support
  • Counselling
  • Referral onwards to other professional resources where appropriate
  • Trauma support


Employee Assistance & Counselling Services (EACS) provides confidential professional support & counselling to employees. This free service is provided to support employees at a time of difficulty with personal & or work related issues.

Trainees & Surgeons do not need to contact HR or their line manager to access this service. The service is provided across each Community Health Organisation, Hospital Group, Primary Care Reimbursement Service & National Ambulance Division. Depending on your work location, the EACS Service will be provided by internal practitioners & may also be provided by an agency provider. All practitioners within the service are accredited & required to maintain continuous professional development standards.

Employee Assistance and Counselling Service List

You may require urgent or out of hours assistance & if this is the case, you should contact your GP immediately.

For more supporting Information, please CLICK HERE

How can I access the free Employee Assistance and Counselling Service?

You can phone or e-mail the service in your area directly. You do not need to discuss this with anyone and you can access it at a time & place that suits you. The majority of staff who attend EACS phone directly to the service.

You can access this service by clicking CLICK HERE

What can I expect?

You will be trated in a respectful manner. You can expect the highests standards of professionalism in a service where your wellbeing is supported at a time of difficulty. All EACS providers are bound by strict standards of confidentiality & a code of Ethics as required by their accrediting body.

What happens at my first appointment?

You will meet your counsellor/EAC practitioner & they will outline the process. A consent form relating to the process will be signed by you & the counsellor/EAC practitioner.

How many appointments do I get?

The EAC is intended as a short - term service. If the service is provided by an internal EAC counsellor/practitioner the number of sessions is agreed between you & the counsellor directly. If the service is being provided by an agency an upper limit of 4 sessions applies. This may be extended to a maximum of a further 2 sessions.

Is ther eany charge/do I have to pay fees?

There is NO CHARGE or fees that you have to pay to avail of these service.

Are my details given to anyone in the Health Service if I am attending EACS?

No. This is a one to one arrangement between you & an independent service. Your details are anonymised from the moment you access the service. There is no sharing of information with management or other services. Your counsellor/EACS practitioner may recommend that you avail of a specific service & will be able to discuss this directly with you in the confines of your sessions. Notes taken in the course of your EACS journey are maintained in complete confidence.

How qualified is the person that I am seeing when I attend EACS?

The EACS provided is a quality, accredited professional independent service. Each EACS counsellor/practitioner is required to attend regular clinical supervision as it is an essential requirement for best practice. Clinical supervision is a formal confidential arrangement with a trained & accredited supervisor.