
Training Supports Scheme (TSS) for NCHDs  - 2023

This scheme is open to all NCHDs. This scheme is funded by HST/NDTP and claims must be submitted through the NCHD’s local Medical Manpower Unit.

Funding is allocated based on Grade and the table below indicates the amount available under the TSS for each registration training year, July – July.

Funding is available pro-rata for doctors employed on shorter contract durations.

GradeAmount per Registration Year
SHOs and Registrars€1,750
SPRs/GP Registrars/Psychiatry SRs on a training scheme€2,500

A list of approved clinical courses, conferences and examinations that can be claimed for under the TSS are listed HERE.

Please see the NCHD Training Supports Scheme (TSS) Guidance Document for Employers & NCHDs HERE which contains a detailed explanation of the Scheme.