Specialist Training Fund


A trainee in full time training in Ireland is eligible for €500 per year. This fund supports trainee participation in relevant educational & training events, which are additional to the mandatory elements of training. Course fees, flights & hotel fees, books & equipment costs can be claimed via this fund as well as UKITE examination fees if you register with the British Orthopaedic Society as a Non-BOA member.

PLEASE NOTE: If you register for UKITE as a regular BOA member you will not be able to recoup this examination fee back as membership fees cannot be claimed back from any fund to-date*. Claims can only be made for courses/equipment paid by you, in the current year i.e. July to July each year e.g. July 2023 to July 2024 etc.

In order to submit claims to this fund:

  • Please complete a specialist training fund reimbursement form for the event or equipment you are claiming for, ensuring your have attached original receipts & copies of your certificates of attendance (for all events/courses attended you should have a certificate of attendance). Ensure the form is signed by both the Trainee and one of your Trainers. Provide your bank details as requested on the form, and submit the completed application to Ms Jackie Browne, Department of Surgical Affairs, 121 St Stephens Green, Dublin 2.
  • You can also email your completed paperwork to jackiebrowne@rcsi.ie However only one claim per email, and all attached receipts, Certificates need to be in PDF format. Please note JPEG attachments are not accepted as more often than not the details are not clear.
  • If all your paperwork is in order your claim will be processed & sent to the Finance Department for payment.
  • Payments are processed within six weeks approximately. Please note applications missing required information will delay reimbursement.

Applications for claims in relation to expenses incurred in the 2023/2024 training year must be received by the Training body no later than 10th October 2024.

Simon Geaney

Surgical Affairs

121 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2


*UKITE only relevant to Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery Trainees.

Specialist Training Fund Application Form  (2023 - 2024) - CLICK HERE

Guidance Document for Trainees, Training Body Personnel & Employers (July 2022) - CLICK HERE