Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to confirm that the 9th Annual UHW Research Day Meeting will take place on Friday 20th January in the Elva theatre, HSE/RCSI Education Facility, University Hospital Waterford. The meeting will be in person. This forum is open to all including clinicians, the nursing professions, the professions allied to medicine, biomedical scientists and anyone involved in healthcare quality improvement. Presentations may be given by doctors, by the nursing profession and professions allied to medicine and scientists with varying levels of experience in addition to anyone working in healthcare. The purpose of the meeting is to allow demonstration of the varying areas of research endeavour that are available for further development in the South East. There will be live prize oral presentations and pre-recorded oral presentations with a prize being awarded for the best presentation in each category. The closing date for submission of abstracts is Wednesday 7th December 2022. Please see attached poster for further information.
We therefore look forward to the support of all clinicians, scientists, nursing personnel and professions aligned to healthcare in helping to make the 9th Annual University Hospital Research Day on Friday 20th January 2023 a success. Further information regarding this meeting can be obtained from Ms. Jennie O’Leary, Postgraduate Surgical Administrator, University Hospital Waterford on 051 842684 or by e-mail at jennie.oleary@hse.ie
Your sincerely,
Professor Peter M. Neary MB, MScLHPE, MA, MD, FRCS(Colorectal)
Professor of Surgical Oncology
Consultant General & Colorectal Surgeon
South East Cancer Governance Lead
University Hospital Waterford/University College Cork
Additional information can be found in this advertisement which you can download HERE