Aspire Post CCST Fellowship in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery

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9th Annual University Hospital Waterford Research Day

Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to confirm that the 9th Annual UHW Research Day Meeting will take place on Friday 20th January in the Elva theatre, HSE/RCSI Education Facility, University Hospital Waterford. The meeting will be in person. This forum is open to all including clinicians, the nursing professions, the professions allied to medicine, b...

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PROGRESS Women in Surgery Fellowship, funded by Olympus

RCSI has a long tradition of excellence in surgical training. Our surgeons, male and female, have, over many decades, earned leading positions in institutions across the world. The College has been at the forefront in developing transparent selection processes for future surgeons. Yet, despite more than 20 years of gender parity among medical gr...

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XXXI Waterford Surgical October Meeting Update

Dear Colleagues, On behalf of my colleagues on the Organising Committee, Prof. Gerry O’Donoghue, Prof. Fiachra Cooke, Mr Peter McCullough, Prof. Padraig Daly, Prof. Ruairi MacNiocaill, Prof. May Cleary and myself, I would like to encourage you to attend this year’s Waterford Surgical October Meeting(WSOM) on Saturday 8th October 2...

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Monthly Neurotrauma Webinar – 7th September

Join us on Wednesday, 7 September at 6pm for our monthly National Neurotrauma webinar. This webinar will include contributions from: Welcome - Session Chair: Professor Mohsen Javadpour. National Neurosurgical Centre, Beaumont Hospital. Case Presentation 1: Mr David O'Brien, Consultan...

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